Thoughts on Frontier Technology Investing

Notes from the Technology Frontier - August 2024
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Notes from the Technology Frontier - May 2024
Welcome to Notes from the Technology Frontier!

Uncovering the Hidden Threat of Tire Dust: An Opportunity for Innovation
Every time a driver brakes, accelerates, or turns, the vehicle’s tires shed ultrafine particles. These particles contain a chemical called 6PPD, which helps tires resist cracking and degradation. Unfortunately, when this dust is exposed to ozone, it transforms into multiple other chemicals, including 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-q) which is acutely toxic to fish.

Mastering the Moat: Strategies Inspired by Tesla for Startup Success
The key to success for startups begins with its founders. Beyond having a clear vision, working diligently, taking calculated risks, and being lucky, successful founders must build barriers to entry around their business. Tesla provides a compelling case-study for aspiring startups. Through innovative strategies, it established substantial control positions across various dimensions.